POPAWOLF 52歲, 男, 住在Oklahoma


Oklahoma, Tulsa
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


let me kiss it where it hurts..........I can make it all better..try me..and see for yourself!...if you dare???
please!!!no sports nuts!! i moved to tulsa, ok. from chicago'ill. i'm in the limousine business. i am seeking a beautiful, sweet, loving, smart' submissive, kind' sexy' soulmate & wife. age range' 2155 of any race. height 4'10" to 6'10" tall. and no tats!if you,re a sports nut/freak! of any kind? poof be gone! you must be a non smoker!!! my woman/ wife will respect' love, honor, and obey me as her husband** and no! that does not mean she is to become a doormat or slave! i'm not that type of man! also i am not!! seeking a one night stand, sex buddy' friend' date' or anybody to play house with.as this is not a game for me. no drama of any kind! if you don't like lot's of sex? are mean, crazy, nasty! or like to bitch about any & everything!! are loud,& ghetto, a hood rat!have mood swings like the second hand on a clock, never happy, lie, cheat, steal, are lazy? angry & selfish??? poof be gone!
I am seeking a real hot,beautiful, sexy, and smart woman of any race! to be mine in every way...must be able to handle BIG Dick! and let me fuck you in the ass a few times a week! ONCE AGAIN I AM SEEKING MY WIFE!... NOT A FRIEND' BOOTY CALL' SEX BUDDY' PEN PAL' OR ONLINE CHAT BUDDY! IF YOU'RE NOT THE WOMAN I SEEK? PLEASE KEEP IT MOVING TO THE NEXT PROFILE! I love things nice and neat! and sure I,LL help with the cooking and cleaning sometimes. I seek a beautiful woman Age 2145 must be a NONSMOKER! drug and STD'S FREE! and can prove it! NO SPORTS NUT CASE!! and understand my need for a simple romantic lifestyle. that means...NO SPOILED BRAT!! DISRESPECTFUL!! DEMON filled SPAWN FROM HELL, BAD ASS KIDS!!! OR DRAMA!! The woman for me is classy, sophisticated,intelligent, and submissive, has a wonderful sense of humor and will after God! put me first! seeking real love, my soul mate, lover, the best sex!,my best friend, and my wife all in one beautiful woman. could this womam I seek be you? if so please let me know NOW!

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