Romeoheartlover 47歲, 男, 住在Leeds


Leeds, Leeds
5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm


Romeoheart, needs Tantric love Lady:- could it be YOU?!!
Mature shy guy in need of a woman to take me under her wings and nurture me! I've lived a sheltered life, now feel need to escape from my shell! RESCUE ME: I NEED YOU IN MY ARMS, RESCUE ME I LOVE YOUR TENDER CHARMS, COS I NEED YOU BY MY SIDE, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M LONELY RESCUE ME!! sMALL IN BUILD BUT STRENGTH OF AN OX! VERY HIGH DRIVE, COULD YOU KEEP UP! ALSO WOMAN ON TOP POSITION IS NOT MERELY FOR USE WHEN PREGNANT!! Any lady wishing to meet up real soon, doing stuff outside as well, (got a fantasy of making tantric love to a woman in a poppy field,) though mainly the fun we can have together, gently exploring our own bodies! Let's begin to get to know each other today, why wait?!! I you believe true beauty is in the heart, then i'm yr man! Looking for a partner to try new positions, IF ENJOYMENT IS ATTAINED, EVEN MAKE UP SOME OF OUR OWN! em: mart456@enteeelworld.(rhymes with) tom (got it!)
A lady who is not shy cos i am ! preferably a lady with small breasts, (or flat chested) who will allow me to treat her as a goddess: undress each other, shower / bathe , I WISH TO KISS YOU ALL OVER YOUR BODY, especially your beautifull chest, and suck on your nipples, till if inverted they want to burst out! Please don't delay: I can barely get a strong erection now, but there are things a woman can do about that aern't they!! BEFORE TANTRIC lOVING, I'D LOVE TO RUB YOUR BODY IN OILS, THEN LAY YOU DOWN ON A BED OF ROSE PETALS / FLOWERS, AS WE MAKE TENDER PASSIONATE ROMANTIC LOVE TO THE PINA COLLADA SONG!! Just in precis WE ALL NEED LOVING: will you help me?! LOL! Martin. LOVE A WOMAN TO STAY WITH ME TILL DAWN, as in the song by J. Tzuke! Let's play doctor's & nurses, before we go to Venus!!! I'd love to show you you have edrogenous zones where you may have never even dreeamed you could have!!!!

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