darkeyejoe 38歲, 男, 住在Newfoundland


Newfoundland, Mount Pearl
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


Looking for a no strings attached sex partner.
I could go onto give you more facts about myself, like my height( 5'11) 0r my eye color( Hazel)....etc, but I have a feeling that most of the other guys on this site just gave you a list of facts about themseleves in the hopes that you might see something you like.I believe that the proof is in the pudding, but I will say this, I have a paasion for life that seems to be very rare. I have an amazing family and the best friends in the world. I have my health and a talent that lets me create some amazing things. I've partied with the best from US to UK, I've chilled out with people from almost every walk of life.I blend in anywhere. Suit and tie, or tank top and flip flops it's all good. If you're read this far then there's some interest, please, send me a n email, don't window shop. I don't bite, well only on the 3rd date...LOL. I'm looking for a down to earth girl, where you can be yourself, NO pressure, no expectations, just you for you and me for me and lets enjoy where things can go.If i found a woman that's above and beyond the avg. then i'd be interested in seeing where that could lead. If something happens then it's meant to be. I don't like a label any type of relationship cause you never know what happens. I like to let nature take it's course...I'm a challenge, a bit elusive, fun, vibrant, funny, sarcastic, not afraid to put you in you place or have a little verbal sparring back and forth. I am very openminded, a risktaker who is always up for an adventure.
If you are curious about the world around you. You can take a joke and are not easily offended. You believe that sarcasm is a spice of life. You can spell, and are generally happy. The rest is negotiable

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