skankibounca 43歲, 男, 住在


, Levin
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Just here to wank on all the posted pics... ahhhhhhhh thanks!
I was once a Commanding Officer of an Elite Fighting CorpNOWI am a businessman worth 20 million bucks!I own a huge Beef Farm a Security Firm and 3 Nightclubs!I own a large Farmhouse and 2 Inner City apartments!I own 3 cars and 2 Harleys totaling just over $500.00!I wear designer clothes!AND....I have my own teeth!I have my own hair!Tattoos!Muscles!I have an abdomen that resembles the ripples on a Snickers Bar!And a Chest that would humble King Kong!I have a cock Lexi Steele on Viagra would be proud of, with the staying power to match!AND…
Heres some more useless food for thought ladies!I WANT A BIG COCKFor fucks sake girls... Its common knowledge that Pornstars claim they prefer average cocks and we're talking on ratio's of five hundred dicks on average in comparasions to your measly 1100!LANE JUMPERSIt never ceases amaze me each time I cruise HM to see how many women in 'Married' or in 'Open' Relationships seem to end up on the Single section. Look here if ya wanna fool around on your hubby or swap yer sausage for a bit of fish of the day listen up... WE DONT GIVE A SHIT!!! So less on the info and the moral justification... We just wanna fuck, well in my case wank I suppose unless your from NZ! INTERRACIAL CLARIFICATION Now being a fella of colour and recognising the fact that our society is indeed multicultural that Im not too shy to partake in a bit of white, red, yellow or pink meat now and then, they say its great for the diet! However it brings me to the point of profiles that state 'White Man or Black Man only' My simple question to you ladies... What if some of us have shades of both?COUGARSAgain, it never ceases to amaze me how mature women (especially) need to justify their shitty sexual existence by banging boys who are likely to cum at the sight of a naked lady! Again, I guess a Cub is like make up and cosmetic surgery, it covers up and justifies all the shit things about old Hags and whilst at the same time makes them feel better about the

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