GoodNyts 66歲, 男, 住在California


California, Granada Hills
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


Sweet Good Nites
Dancing fool 59 for hot times dancing and sweet good nights later. Prefer Country Western, boots and jeans. 5/9 145# and fit, full fur man body, D/D free. I'm just a free account, if Savy Lady interested, Eme with an ALTERNATE way back to you. LQQk he mail to yo hoo write to. I spice up my profile regularly, if I wink, see today's. I write erotica, sample, part3>> (last told..) I'm home late, I can hear you breathing in the bedroom. I think you're waiting for me. I shower silently and spoon up to you, gliding my knee between your legs. You block the urge to open your eyes and wake, lying limp in the space between oblivion and wakefulness. (new ..) My hand eases down the satin on your tummy, extra softness earned in life, relaxed, rounded, still remembering when I last made you laugh, now beginning to sway with the passion in your breath. I reach the sponginess of your neather curls, begin to press you closer, then move my hand up.. >>cont'd below
I want to be able to work you on the dance floor, fun is better than perfect, zest is better than elegant. A little over my weight is OK, but you have to keep up. You've taken care of yourself financially, but playing alone is not as much fun. Local counts a lot. Race nonissue, but racey is OK. For esex all you have to do is purr. >>story cont'd >>I spread my fingers wide, press in and hold you for a moment while we connect. Beneath my hand, the center of your womanhood. Dark, inside, hidden, private. Pink and red as the months go by, an ache at times, the well spring of being a woman. I am your man, pressing his need to your center. Soon I will slip my length to this inner sanctum and we will merge. For now, only a press of connection of what may be...You roll back to me slightly, wanting to make the connection grow. You stretch your shoulder back lightly, pulling your breast up, your nipple tenting the negligee, a darker shadow in the half night around us.

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