homesteader146 66歲, 男, 住在Texas


Texas, Rye
5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm


insecurity was a terrible thing to lose , Yes years ago I came here seeking Sex .wood knot cross street 4 piece pussy Without Oral just a Dry hole
Genuine Man / Hung . Retired Transportation Engineer Enjoy More Topics / Have studied Marvelously Magnificent Sexual Encounters for the past 45 years . I lick mine Chocolate Brown , Hehe .Fill in Physical Stuff / Empty Profiles a Novel lacking a First page , Wasted days and wasted Nights . " Sadly " I see college Educations with Noknowledge of Filling out a Resume . Seek Respect " Adamant , about Rules / No Exceptions Either " Intelligence grows , Stay home Learn by Enjoying a Marvelously Magnificent and Splendidly Pleasurable Sexually Gratifying time Make King Love . Beauty does knot improve sex Participation in the act always important and some things put on rear burner to Simmer / one never knows I have Enjoyed a Splendid , Full and Happy life due to a few with " Beautiful Chocolate Brown Skintones , My Choice " just how it will always be for Me , Been there Done that , Enjoyed every hour because the one who was with me did also / obeyed the law unless the speed limit was too slow , paid my fines ontime and set the Kenworth on cruise as I put a book on tape in the cassette player . Terrior on the highway / lookin ' for adventure and what ever came my way . Became a Slave to Pleasure and Passion Many Many years ago /Been Trained need Big enough ass to keep my balls off the cold floor , Please pass the popcorn , Thank you time for a MovieJust a Sweet Dreams Believer / See y'all Finally Realize , Ladies are all built Standard Equipment .
Neighbor says " One thing I can say is you are an Honestman " Since childhood / have found women are all built with Basic Body Parts . Seen Large , seen small and Licked them all . Marvelous Sex is no answer / prefer knot to say , early this Morning I Know I am the Best / Only I May think that way , Oh to be young again . Yet I feel I won at this Game called Life . Sweet Dreams are made of these ; Retired R

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