tobifree 41歲, 男, 住在Victoria


Victoria, Melbourne
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Free Spirited boy looking for relaxed easygoing girl
I am arelaxed boy who enjoys a good lifestyle and a happy life. I am honest and Down to Earth and I like to enjoy the finer things in life. I am looking to lead a simple life where I can enjoy my partner and lead a quality life, free of the b.s and fear we are currently experiencing through the media and our political leaders.I love travelling, the outdoors, relaxing, meditating, reading, the beach and camping, as well as writing and photography. I love diving and smimming as well as hiking. I travel a fair bit overseas (Fiji) as I really love it, but I also like Asia as it is interesting and very diverse.I am politically and religiously irreverant, as it bores me and creates too many divisions and war, but I do study Tibetan Buddhism, which is more a philosophy and the study of the self.My idea of a good time is travelling with my partner, going to the beach or camping, but I am also at home curling up with my partner and having a good glass of wine watching a DVD.
The woman I am looking for definetely has to be REAL, easy going and downtoearth. Also not too serious side, likes to take a risk or two and knows what she wants. Confident, yet real and not attached too much to the world. Looks aren't important, as beauty definetely comes from within, but has a funky attitude towards life. She should like travelling and meeting new and interesting people and cultures. Someone that can step in and out of mainstream, like a shape shifter, is a nonconformist, and even goes against the flow and the tide of popular opinion. Someone that definetly think independently beyond what the media is telling us is real. Someone who is low maintenance and not obsessed with materialism and wealth. Someone that wants to learn from me and also teach me new things about myself. Is that too much to ask for?

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