Krugon 40歲, 男, 住在Indiana


Indiana, Terre Haute
5 ft 7 in / 171-172 cm


A freak among freaks.
First off I am not your normal type of guy. I actually like the idea of commitment and monogamy. I am not the macho type nor am I TALL. Yes I realize this is a sex site. And though i'd like more than sex. Even the most hopeless romantic needs to get laid now and then. I am 5' 7" I weigh 180lbs. As far as in bed, I tend to be very open to all sorts of things. I don't judge people on what they like. I believe that if you like it do it. And if your partner likes something do it for them. I have lived out and fulfilled some fantasies, but there are more i'd like to try. As for those who are looking for a friend or maybe more here is some more about me. I am both a metal head and a geek. I don't get out alot. I like to go to concerts, but I also like stayin home and dorkin around on the net and playin games. I have very few real friends. Most people have proven to be too untrustworthy or manipulative to consider them real friends. I tend to be sarcastic and I like to joke and laugh. I am often told I have very odd taste. I tend to like trying activities that I have never done before just for the experience of having done it. I like roadtrips and travel. I am not judgemental. We all have our skeletons. Nor am I superficial. Looks are not near as important to me as who the person is. Well if you are still reading you must be interested in some way. Sorry I made you read so much, but I am looking forward to hearing from you.
That depends on what kind of partner, If you are only interested in a no strings sexual relation: Please be open, and real. By that I mean be open to all sorts of things in bed. I can tend to be a dirty fucker. And I love a dirty gal in bed. By be real I mean if you are interested send a message letting me know. not just a wink every few days for a few months. Please, do not be married. Swingers are ok. But I don't want to be the guy off the net you had an affair with. I don't cheat on or with anyone. If you are interested in actually having a friendship, and maybe more: Th

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