megryanx 45歲, 女, 住在Minnesota


Minnesota, Big Lake


couple looking for woman and select couples
We are a fun couple that is looking for a women to join us. We are into all kinds of things. A little about us... we have been together two years and really enjoy spending time outside. We like camping and fishing. We work at a car show every Saturday evening from May until September. We also love just curling up on the couch and watching movies. We love trying new things. We're both the type of people that will try everything at least once. He is 5 foot 9 inches and has incredible blue eyes. He is amazing at everything(not kidding... he can cook, play sports, you name it he can do it.He's extremely smart although he loves to joke around, and he's also AMAZING in bed!!!She is 5 foot and 1/2 an inch... yes that 1/2 inch is important to her. She has an amazing body with curves in all the right places. She's loves getting dressed up but in my opinion she looks her best without getting all dolled up. She's loves hanging out with the guys but loves her girl time too. She's amazing in bed... I mean absolutely amazing.
We are looking for a women to be friends with first. If we all have that connection then more is definitely possible. We would like someone that likes to be outdoors... such as camping and going to the beach. But she also needs to be laid back and like to just hang out at home and watch movies or sit around a bonfire. We rarely go out to clubs but we do enjoy some bars. As for looks, we would like someone who is attractive. and to us that can mean anything. As long as we see something we like, even the smallest thing. We would like a girl to be out going, especially in bed. We're not on this site to do the same ol' thing. we're here to spice things up. Plus the girl is very bi sexual and wants another girl to play with. :) If you're interested send us an email or a wink. We do have some naughty pictures and are willing to share them. So we hope to hear you from you soon.We are looking at some select couples to do a full swap with. But we need to be comfortable w

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