theholygrailco 57歲, 男, 住在South Australia


South Australia, Adelaide
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


A Quest Fulfilled
I am an Adelaide Boy, born and bred, now residing in Perth but existing in the world. I am a calm individual with imagination and true grit. I work through my own businesses and vent my creative nature through that avenue; I have had a bit of a roller coaster career, but what doesn't hurt us makes us stronger. I wish to be with my partner as much as possible, not one for boy�s night outs, love dining out, travelling, holidays, films, theatre and of course music. In the sporting world I enjoy boating, golf & tennis though I haven�t had the opportunity for some time. I live life by simple maxims incorporating commitment, passion and being true to one's own self. My children are adults now and are the light of my life, as you would expect. I love them dearly and feel that while I have achieved many mile stones they are the greatest. I love children and feel there is certainly room in my life for more either existing or future. In Australia I am best known for the wine brand that bears my name. I also enjoy simple things like reading and recently found that a passage captured my attention;"It is the mystery and wonderment that serves our souls, not the Grail itself.""The beauty of The Grail lies in her ethereal nature; for some, the Grail is a chalice that will bring everlasting life; for others it is a quest for lost documents and secret history.""For the most of us perhaps it is simply a grand idea.......a glorious unattainable treasure that somehow even
By preference I am looking for Longterm Relationship with a beautiful and elegant woman, someone who enjoys the arts, living life to the full, intelligent and sophisticated, who wishes to be with me in mind and soul. In the end we are all individuals we need to learn each other and make allowances for that individuality. For that reason, the nature of the person I seek must remain open ended.

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