garymich 67歲, 男, 住在Ontario


Ontario, Oakville
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Nice Guy Available
Though I am somewhat quiet I can be a social butterfly and the life of the party in the right situations. I have a humorous outlook on life and like to make people laugh. I generally try not to get too stressed out about things.I enjoy listening to and playing music and am fairly good at karaoke. Though I am not really into the bar scene I do go for live entertainment, fine dining, singing, playing music, and karaoke.I am physically fit and exercise daily when time permits. I am an avid cyclist and also enjoy playing golf. In the bedroom I am fairly open minded and am looking for a partner who can keep up with me.Though I am not looking for a long term relationship as per say that is not to say it can’t happen (never say never). Whatever the nature, I feel it should start with friendship. If the chemistry is there the rest will happen over time if it is meant to be. When they wrote the book: The Peter Pan Syndrome that's me! So if you are looking for fun and someone who is young at heart and defies the norm get in touch.Please note just have a standard membership so you know the deal.
Ideally you are Black, Asian or Latino and between 22 and 45 years old. I am looking for someone with a slim or athletic build. Bra size isn't that important to me but great legs, nice butt and a pretty face are a preferred!Preferably you are confident, outgoing and have that I can do anything attitude. Adventurous attitude is a must and though you may not be an Olympian someone who cares enough about themselves to keep in reasonable shape.I am very open minded and am always into trying new things. I would prefer that you suggest something to ensure an enjoyable outing. On the other hand if it is left to me who knows. I am a very spontaneous individual and I prefer to push the limits though I can assure you I don't jump out of perfectly functioning aircraft and have no desire to. In short, be prepared because who knows where this will take us.

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