deago1948 67歲, 男, 住在New York


New York, Johnson City
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


Looking For You
Looking for a good woman to enter my life What do I say about myself ? I have been looking for her all my life. I have been with many woman and have had a lot of experience. I am looking for a younger woman or one with a mindset as young as me. As I am still very active and often. I enjoy giving oral and have a tendency to stay down there till my partner has started climaxing. I am very openminded and very understanding. I have, more than likely, done what will turn you on and keep you happy and satisfied if not I am a good learner. I am a very oldschool romantic. A touchy feely, tender type of person. I try to keep up with the little details when it comes to you and me. I am honest and faithful with my partner and have more information you will like when we start chatting, I believe in honesty up front. I enjoy cuddling, watching movies, walks, quiet times together.
My special woman! Is the one woman that I can laugh with about the silly things, stand proud during the good things and stand beside me through the more challenging things! The one woman I want for better or worse.Someone who thinks about me during the day and can't wait till I get home to her at night. Someone to share life with, hopes, dreams, plans for the future.Mostly, I want to be in love! I want to wake up with the warmth of someone special beside me. I want the comfort of knowing I have a best friend that I thank God for everyday! I want to feel the excitement of our times together and know that our love touches the depth of our souls! I want to feel the longing when we are not together, the butterflies as we kiss, the surrender as we touch...I want a love story that never ends!I don't want to make love to 100 different woman...I want to make love to 1 woman 100 different ways! I am looking for someone that would understand me, be able to Love me and respect me, as I would her, someone that likes the little things in Life, knows how to Laugh, how to have a Good time, someone who is Romantic

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