Brian20092 47歲, 男, 住在Liaoning


Liaoning, Beijing
6 ft 1 in / 186-188 cm


looking for my hot princess
Thank you Lady,Take a minute and read the (maybe) unexpected I am not only just attractive, but also witty, talkative, entertaining, intelligent, very openminded, honest, communicative and prosperous.And I don't keep my feelings as a secret.On one hand I am a classy successful business man, who knows how to treat people in any environment, on the other I am a cheerful, positive and intense guy, who let his inner child out whenever possible (sometimes even more often )I am a maverik, sophisticated and versatile but also passionate, crazy, playful, adventurous and very very (!) romantic.I am sensual by all means ... and in different fields.I am looking for an attractive, extrovert, classy and cheerful woman to hang out with and maybe more, maybe much more ...Of course I know this is an adult site and only a few want to have more than just a hot time.But I am not here just looking for a fu**.I am on this site to find someone to make love with. Someone with a high sex drive, like me.Even in a short time relationship I need to have butterflies in my stomach, sparks must be spraying ...I just love to kiss and to hug, to hold you in my arms, I like physical closeness even it is just holding hands.When it comes to sex, I am sensitive, wild, uncommon, passionate, insatiable, resourceful, skilled, experienced ... and in love.Sometimes in a different order.
What I am looking for?I am not looking for just anyone to jump into bed with. I want more.I am looking for my soulmate, my match, someone like minded.A friend, lover and playmate.Someone with a good sense of humour making us love and sing!You are romantic, you enjoy the moment, you love life and living?You know who you are, you can be yourself, very openminded and interested in everything?You are entertaining and classy outside the bed and very cheeky, naughty, independent and creative inside?Then give me a great pleasure .... and drop me a line!Just tell me your wishes and desires, I am a good listener and expect same from you.At the moment I

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