jimmyjams64 51歲, 男, 住在North Dakota


North Dakota, Fargo
5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm


Jimmyjams innnn more ways than 1 (hundred) I need constructive criticism to help atleast get a hi.
Hi girls, gals, ladies and hotter than hot females. No preference, but having fun. My photos are ok I hope. Any women can read, write, talk, meet, go out do the clean and the dirty whatever is on your recipe for the night. I do not descriminate. I am a regular guy with a good heart felt immediately. I am very flexible to situations, people and environments. Lets go for it. Pounding or petting, it is all good and I mean all good. Give me a shout. Very discreet if need be. Long term would not be out of the question definitely. Hugs and honey pots, Jimmy P.S. I am an orally pleasurable guy to women. That is my favorite and I am relentlessly great at it and a cute guy to watch. Yum Yum. Come on girls if you want what we need you are making a mistake by atleast giving a call or IM'ing. EOE. Anyone need apply. I am really a good guy. Critiqueing me is not out of the realm of conversation. Nobody is perfect, but by reading my profile and need clarifications please comment or ask for further infomation. Hugggs, Jimmy
Like I said earlier. I do not descriminate in any way shape or for. It is all about communication, communication and communication. Everything else can be negotiated, debated and boundaries set. Everything else is semantics or icing on the cake positively speaking of course. I am a sexually man and it would be nice to have the same in a partner. Pretty much anything goes, so a lady with atleast an openness to try and experiment is cool with me. I can learn and I can teach. It is all about the us and not the me or the you unless those roles are understood initially. Bye for now and hope to here from a few real people grounded and happy with themselves, especially when we get together. Smile, frowns cause wrinkles.

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