chocolatenut 39歲, 男, 住在California


California, San Jose
6 ft 2 in / 189-190 cm


Just looking for a bite!!
All that I can really say is that I am quiet & mellow, but anything but shy & reserved! I tend 2 NOT want 2 B in the limelight (I don’t need 2 B the center of attention… but I DO like 2 B acknowledged 4 a job well done), but I am anything but shy or flashy. 1 of my Derrickism’s is, “U know that that U’ve done UR job right when nobody knows that U’ve done anything at all!” Personalitywise I’m very laid back, mellow, & as much as I hate saying it… docile. I’m just not mean spirited. Impish… but not spiteful. 2 kind of give Ua Btter example, if U ever saw the Goonies… I am more like Mouth (Cory Feildman). I’m the kind of person who’d pull a prank something along the lines of that 1 scene were Mouth was 2tally misinterpreting everything that Mickey’s mother was asking 2 B translated 2 the MX maid that they had hired while playing the innocent little angel. That’s the kind of person that I am. Mellow, laid back, but playful & full of 1 liners!!!
According 2 my friends that would B a 6 ft tall Amazonian warrior maiden with cleavage that U can ski down! LOL Ideally I am not really looking 4 anything right now. I’m just checking this site out. I thought that I would experiment & C where this may lead. I’ve tried sites like this B4, & the results where not that great. Most of the people that I’ve met in the past mostly played games, & I’m not really in2 that. At this point in the game, I just want 2 meet somebody who’s on the same page. It would B just nice 2 meet some1 who’s on the fly with me. U know? Although physical attraction mayB the icing on the cake… it doesn’t make the cake! It may help sell it… but it doesn’t make it! Ideally I’m looking 4 that chemistry, & Cing where it leads. I would just like 2 meet some1 at some point who is with me on this, & I’m just looking 4 some1 who’s on the level & doesn’t BS or play games with me. I just want 2 enjoy life, & share that with other people. Make sense? Any takers?! LOL

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