SweetAndSoft 28歲, 女, 住在Alberta


Alberta, Edmonton
5 ft 4 in / 163-165 cm


Fun And Sexy.. ;)
Hmmm let's see...Ideally I am looking for a woman I can see a few times here and there, say go out to a pub/bar/movies/etc whatever and then be able to go back to her place and get naughty ;)But if I meet someone here who just wants to be naughty with nothing else going on then that's good too hehe :)I am very attractive I just choose not to post my full face pics because I lived in a small town for most of my life and being bi is something I would be harassed for(or looked down on), so I just prefer to not have my old aquintances know.. just saves me drama lol.. I have my tongue pierced as well as my lip and I wish to get more in the future :)Others who have piercings also are a big turn on and I like tatts too.. And I do not like talking to people who have fake profile pics, please I have found out tons of males who tried to pretend they were a female. I have a bf I don't want a man, just looking for my playmate ;) And I do have a webcam to prove who I am in case someone is cautious like me...And I am currently pregnant and always horny, I just can't seem to be satisfied..lmao
Hm I guess just funny, out going, pretty, and age doesn't matter if you don't look like your 50 lol, but I do prefer someone who wouldn't remind me/look like my parent(s). Looks are important, if I can't find you sexually attractive then how would I ever be happy right, so no you don't have to be thin(girls who have some belly and cellulite are sexy to me) but just don't have massive amounts of weight... And please have real eyebrows not painted on thin strips.. I find that sort of creepy..lol... I don't want anyone who is into wanting to have or have had sex with their dads or brothers/sisters.. I am NOT into incest thanks... I love a shaven woman though(I shave too myself) and I don't like hairs. No I don't want to be in a threesome with your man and you, just you is what I'm looking for ;)

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