RichGuy1 43歲, 男, 住在Essex


Essex, Brentwood
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Well worth the read.!?!!
Two and a half years ago I came out of an eighteen year relationship so as you might of guessed I’m looking for something casual and mutually beneficial. After an amicable break I sold a very successful business which subcontracted highly trained ex military staff to an outer governmental agency. After the sale I bought a 58FT boat and set sail visiting pretty much everywhere I’d been to for work but never had time to stop over. May 2010 I returned to blighty where to my amazement things seem to have stayed the same, it seems nothing changes much except the person within.Over the course of the trip I met some pretty interesting people in some fantastic places and climbed some of the best peaks in the world. Like most people that are retired (I hate that expression as I’m only 39.) I tend to fill my days either at the track, I own three race cars (just in case cars do interest you) a Caterham R500, Jaguar JP1 and my preferred one which is the very “naughty but nice” race radical which tends to be the more serious runner for most of my competitions. Now “I’m getting on a bit” I do spend a bit of time at the gym which isn’t really my bag but the climbing and driving requires it. Other things that fill my time are shooting, riding, flying (the latter being a requirement of the job I had in a previous life) and “jumping”(from planes that is, and not the ones I’m flying though.!!) Things to do:1 Virgin Galactic 2 Climb K23 Find and buy a house on lake Como
I did write another 1000 or so words for the above but the "characters remaining" dwindles fast when you talk about yourself in such detail. Ideally I’m looking for someone that knows how to make the most of our time together. Ideally casual although I'm partial to a bit of wooing. Open minded insofar as the duration of the relationship. She must like being treated like a lady, okay we know why we're on here but there's no need to lower standards in respect of decency and honesty, clean, shaven (I'm a bit oral fan, a fav. that's retuned

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