OldFroger 56歲, 男, 住在California


California, Rancho Cucamonga
6 ft 2 in / 189-190 cm


I am the frog that missed the princess's kiss that brought out the man in him.
I am a home body, I don't really go out much, because i don't feel comfortable in public. I am a pretty big guy but I am not a strong person just bigger then average. Some of the people I work with tell me that my appearance and demeanor are aggressive and that I would be too intimidating when I approach people. I am a TV person I watch a lot ot it. I like scify and action and adventure, comedys, dramas, this is what I do. I am uncomfortable in most social settings, I don't understand the politics of interpersonnal relationships. I don't really understand why someone can say something and it is ok, and if I say it that it is inappropriate. I guess all that I can say is that I am basically a nice guy....(the dreaded death to being anything but just a guy you know.) I don't really know what that can be said about me. I work hard and don't know what it is that I want out of life. I have been told that I need to get out and live life, but each time I go out and walk around a mall I feel like an intruder, all I see out there are other people who are living their lives, good or bad they are with someone. I feel them watching me with suspicion, and distrust. It makes me feel even more alone, and depressed. I don't have any expectation that I would be someone's exclamation point. I am not happy with my life past and present, and the future is an unkown dread of more disappointments. There you go in a nutshell.
I want what most men my age want someone who is attractive to me, who will challange me to be better because I want to finally get my life started. I am not sure if I want to have children, but the option is an open subject. I need a lover who won't drive me crazy" Songs they pop up all the time in my head. I don't want a heart breaker. I have seen what it can do, and it has been one of the reasons I never seriously sought out a relationship. I know few people live the life of love thru the ages. I am looking for the

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