DannyBoi1988 25歲, 男, 住在Oxfordshire


Oxfordshire, Oxford
6 ft 2 in / 189-190 cm


looking for secure, confident women with no hang-ups
young, fit love to cam fuck + in the flesh. easily pleased but hard to satisfy.^^^^^^^^^I wrote the above about 34 years ago, have added some more recent photo's Xmas 09, cock shot is still from when i was 1819. Sorry but i dont tend to keep pictures of my cock readily available on my PC...Ive just come out of a 3 year relationship with my first love, now the love is gone i have reverted to the pussy pleasing fuckaholic of my teens.Im 6'2 blonde, blue eyed, slim athletic build. I enjoy playing saturday league football so keep reasonably active, having said that i do tend to park my arse in front of he PC to play video games for hours on end.I'm extremely laid back, often to the detriment of my own well being. I tend to need a kick up the back side to get going. But once said kick has been applied then im very concerted and driven to achieve my set goal; be it getting my tongue in your labia or drivng to timbukfuckintooI have been told im pretty well endowed in terms of length and girth, i keep fit so can hack the pace of the wildest nymph. I do enjoy marathon fuck sessions but need to be well fed, watered and have a big nose bag for the more crazier nights. Hehehe.I have my own transport and my own home so it could be either or in terms of your place or mine...But if i do make the effort to travel to see you then please have the courtesy not to fuck about with last minute cancellations and cold feet...By the way im Dan...
I have a very BIG fetish for older women or a Oedipus complex im not too sure which.. Having said that i do beleive that variety is a the spice of life and as such i dont tend to home in a particular "type" of woman.Confidence is the biggest turn on of all for me, theres nothing more sexy than a woman who knows what she wants and doesnt ask for it she just takes it...Im very quick witted and highly intelligent so i need to connect with someone on a mental level to find them sexy. So if your Heidi Klum beautiful but thick as shit i will become

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