Ready4ActionRU2 37歲, 男, 住在Alberta


Alberta, Edmonton
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


Good guy looking for some fun with positive, outgoing girls!
I want to be open and honest. I am coming out of a 10+ year relationship I did everything to make my girl happy. I always remained faithful even though I had lots of urges due to my high sex drive (we tried to satisfy this, but my drive was very high). After making these efforts and treating her great, she left without warning and refuses to talk to me. I have dealt with this pain and am ready to move on. I have determined I must find a woman capable of satisfying me sexually before I open my heart up again. The women on this website appear to be open about their sexuality many looking to satisfy their high sexual desires (like me). I know how to treat a lady right, but want to find women to help me discover the great sexual possibilities I have not experienced (life is too short – I want to be sexually satisfied and happy). I have tried many things sexually (very openminded), but know only certain women can show me new things – are you one of them. I only ask that you have a sense of humor and love fun (both publicly & the bedroom). Ladies please dispel the myth “nice guys always finish last”. If my profile interests you, send me an email showing your interests (I have no email yet, but will get in Dec with enough interest). Let’s explore many sexual possibilities together and see where things go from there. Look forward to your hot responses hope you can restore my faith that there are girls that can truly satisfy a man’s desires.
I typically prefer blondes, but have found all variety of hair color sexy when on the right girl. I like large breasts, but if you are in shape a good porportionate set can be even more attractive. I do not like rail skinny girls, as I feel girls have to have curves to be drop dead gorgeous. Overall send me a shout and I will check you out, as sometimes you may be surprised by what you find attractive.P.S. As promised I have attached some teaser pictures of me. I know you cannot really see my face in any of them, but I f

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