Duo233 25歲, 男, 住在New South Wales


New South Wales, Sydney
5 ft 3 in / 161-162 cm


Unique, Erotic, Kinky and just so Damn Horny.
Well Hello Ladies.Let me just start by saying that if you are looking for a different kind of man. One who's open minded, fun, understanding, walks his own path, loves something different and who gets off on your gentle carressing touch. Your in for a treat. xxCall me DuoIm 24, but think like a 30 yr old.I have an average body at current, but dont let that fool you.Alil bit of a shorty, 5ft 3, but I know how to hold my own. Just wait and see.Oh, and my sex drive... Well, won't you just have to find out and see. ;)Im a pretty easy going kinda guy. So I'm sure we'll get along fine. Always up for meeting sexy ladies. Mmmmm...I sometimes can be alittle shy at first, but don't you worry.I dont mind exploring and trying new things.You only live once right.God. I can be so Naughty!I mentioned too that I walk my own path... Well, by that I mean, I'm a Fashion Freestyler.I love to dress up, be out of the norm, oh and I love Stilettos.Now, please don't let this stop you from reading on.I did say that I'm alil from the norm. =)Thats just the way I am, and I like it.Believe me! I know what gets me off, and I would love to show you too. Mmmm...On that note too, and your gonna love this.Have you ever played with a toy boy who's... Hyper Sensitive. =)I'll let your imagination do the rest, but please...let me know, if you want me to be your toy.I just know that we'll have hours of fun.XXX
Well...Down to it. =)Im seeking a sexy lady for some casual smoking hot 1 on 1 sex. Someone who can match or surpass my sexual desires and wanting.A lady who's open minded and understanding.Who likes trying new things and accepts my sexual desires and me for who I am.Who just enjoys life and understands what it means to live in the moment. A good sense of humor and a smile is always nice too.Oh, and I hope you have a love for Tall Sexy Stiletto's. =)At the end of the day, I don't ask the world of people. Just that they be themselves.In saying that, don't forget that everyone is unique in their own

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