hotblooded84 31歲, 男, 住在Wyoming


Wyoming, Dubois
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


EASY!!! ... ... ... Like Sunday morning
Im a 5'10" blonde in glasses. In HS I played football, wrestled, and rode bulls. I cant lie, Im horny as hell. So, lets arrange a meeting. I can be as dicreet as you like or be right out there to be a boyfriend. Its been a while for me and I could do with any amount of female attention. The reason for the dry spell, is that I was in a car accident. No deformaties or anything. I have a speach impediment though, that Im extremely selfconsious of. Its not even that bad, says all the people I meet but I just know how my voice sounded before, and since it doesnt sound right. . . It must be wronge. So . . . I go to the gym a lot, to try and get back to where I was. (Braging) Bench: 250 lbs Squat: 600 lbs. It will be a long road I guess. But as far as every day life is conserned, I function just as well as before. I can even have sex just as before, as a nurse at a hospital helped me find out. Im a little introverted because of the speech impediment, but still go out to a party once a week, so not that bad I guess. Would really like someone I could be intimate with. But like I said Im not choosy, I can be a one night stand if you want. can a dildo with ears for handles. Either way, Im pritty easy going.
I have always had a thing for more exotic looking girls. Like mexican, or islander, or Indian. Im not excluding white girls by any means but, it would be my first no lie. I want a nice, kind, romantic girl who sometimes can have a wild side. I would like to have an intimate moment (few hours at least, "come on Im hard up") on the first date if everything goes right. I have a big sex drive so I would like your's to match if possible. I am romantic (I think) and like to cuddle.

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