Gen1 46歲, 男, 住在Texas


Texas, Brazoria
5 ft 2 in / 158-160 cm


The Moon and Stars...
Enjoy your chance...Each man you may encounter. May bring you to your knees. If I don't choose to let you close. You may just feel a breeze.The game is in my court. My turn to serveWhat I decide to send. Could just be a curve. Walk softly but strong. Make me feel your presence. If it reaches my heart. Love may be the essence. Maybe a reaction. Is what you need. Well I will watch you. Like a bird does a seed. You have one chance. To get my response right. Which cards you play. May change our lives...
"Can you pass the test of love?"Are you a brave enough to understand my heart's inspirations? Do you owe everyone you have wronged or do they owe you? Do you get mad when someone wakes you up that loves you? Do you do drugs when needed or do they do you? Are you wealthy from life or want to make everyone else poor so you can be? Are you good to your mother or does her heart bleed? Do you love my work enough to let me do it... or do you have a prison waiting? Will your promises be something I can stand on or should I let them pass me by? If I am ill will you give me my medicine or take it instead? If you do something dreadfully wrong would you pay the cost or pass it on to me? Will my dreams be worth climbing or will we only see yours? When you come home from work will it be my eyes you desire to look into or the screen of any machine? If my car breaks down and I have no way home will you rescue me or yell because I asked for help? If I cry will you hold me or pretend I am not there? Will I love you too much if my desire is to be the best I can be for you? If we don't make it together would you care about where I lived or how I was doing? Can you protect me from myself when I am wrong or will you give in? If my last breath is desired to be in your arms would your tears of missing moisten my fall?Will the words you speak from your mouth be truthful or will lies roll from your tongue like rain falls from the sky?

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