hawkes 57歲, 男, 住在Wolverhampton


Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton
6 ft 0 in / 184-185 cm


Millionaire with heart condition seeks soulmate.......
Honest openminded looking for fun. I am a positive person and look on the bright side of life. This site has many odd types, but I'm a normal guy looking for a friend, maybe more once we get to know each other. No I'm not just looking for sex, we have to be able to talk and our souls have to have some link, some magic, for it to work. If you fancy a chat I'll get back to you ASAP, but I'm not into mind games or wasting time life is too precious for both of us.On a daily basis, I live a busy professional life which involves travel to many parts of the world. I have lots of friends, but that special person who has that elusive magic is out there somewhere maybe it's you, so get in touch.Distance is no onject, so wherever you are don't be put off,You never know we may both be pleasantly surprised by what fate brings.............
Someone who is honest and caring,who can take the good and bad that life throws at us.I prefer faces and looking into someone's eyes rather than trying to do a medical anlysis of their genitalia (no bottom pics!).If you like an interesting conversation and have a good sense of wit and humour generally, then thats a good start.I'm not looking for much of what is in these tick boxes, I leave that to the more exreme, who like that sort of thing. I'm a romantic soul and what happens in our bedroom is private and only for us to know about and share. So ticking a box and telling everyone about it is for others.I hope you get the drift of what I'm saying. If you understand my feelings I look forward to hearing from you. If not good luck with your search there are plenty of others you will prefer.The person I'm looking for knows she's special and that a relationship is not a game of words, but real emotions something too rare nowadays in this consumer society.........

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