hotnhandy25 45歲, 男, 住在Illinois


Illinois, Bloomington
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm


Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain ... anyone?
I am athletic, smart, romantic, and confident. I am a unique guy that is seldom found at least that is what my friends tell me. Don't take me wrong, I am not arrogant, just confident....yet human! Unfortunately I am shy and you must break my thin shell to get to me. They have even teased me by calling me gay(not that there is anything wrong with that) ... but I am the furthest thing from that. I was raised by a single mother and now have two daughters, so to say the least I am in touch with that side of myself. However, I still enjoy (and very good at them) manly things like sports, home improvements, technology but also enjoy home decorating, shopping, and cooking just as much. I love to please my friend and lover, almost more than I want to be pleased ... at least in the bedroom. I love listening to music at all times putting on my iPod and grocery store shopping is probably my favorite. I would rather have a couple at a pub than the club thing...that is not me. Dont get me wrong I can dance and will now and then, especially to a live band. I work to live, not live to work. Life is too short and they won't appreciate it when we are gone anyway. I do like to take risks, try new things at least ones that won't put me in the slammer! I just like to laugh and have fun, even if it is at myself. With that being said, I know when to be serious and responsible. There is a lot more, but I will save that for dinner, dinner, drinks, or lying in bed when its raining on Sunday
I am an easy going, well educated, romantic, young at heart, all around good guy looking for someone to be friends with and hopefully develop into somethng what that is, it is too early to tell! I want to find someone that looks at me and can't resist touching. I love/require affection, and doesn't have to ask for any from me. And some times it is just looking across the room with a smile and wink! My lover must be my best friend that pays as much attention to me as I do her. Save the dram

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