africaraskky 38歲, 男, 住在Ghanzi


Ghanzi, Ghanzi


prince seek for queen
I was born amidst the purple waterfalls of Africa. I was weak, yet not unblessed. Dead to the world. Alive for the journey. One night I dreamt a white rose withering, a newborn drowning a lifetime loneliness. I dreamt all my future. Relived my past. And witnessed the beauty of the beast.In my whole life I have always had to be the strong one. I have also been the one who never lost self control when everyone around me lost their heads and blamed it all on me. All I get for this is scorn, jealousy and rejection.Those one line statements I hear like: "You are not one of us!" or "This is not my style!". Well style is allot about conformity but the artist does not make art for the sake of conformity. I have been told that secretly that some people admire me but nobody will admit it.I would really like to get to know a crazy openminded girl and have a new friend to talk with in all over the world. I do speak and read English by the way and am learning writing and vocabulary after living in so many countries since I was 5 years old. I prefer English now as you can see and I am more literate in English having had all my schooling in South Africa.I am Bostwana/Nigeria born from a long time of Yoruba in west Africa,but nobody believes that. I have lived internationally all my life but am now in india for my MBA. I can only imagine what people are thinking...that I am an alien from space or something ;) Am somebody with respect,Believe,Sincere and Honest.
looking for right woman,Lovely and Care one,But There is no right woman for me to find.If we want something good we have to do the hard work and make it ourselves.Every one is looking for someone or something but not many are offering anything.We are all looking for a prince or a princess but all we really find are frogs.We have to kiss them first to see if they turn into a prince or a princess.I have kissed allot of frogs in my time but I am a prince because I treated each one as a princess.It is just that I was not treated like a prince so I became

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