markinessex 37歲, 男, 住在Essex


Essex, Chelmsford
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


Real person, is anyone else out there for real ??
Hey all !! I'm 31 and curently single, I'm not looking too much for full on comitment but however wouldn't dismiss this with the ideal person. Currently I am looking for either no strings or rather idealy friendship with people with similar interests as myself and whom are also interested in learning more of themselves sexually in a trusting and relaxing 'friendship/relationship.I work with cars and fit car soundsystems, alarms, trackers, phone kits and too many other funky thangs to go in to too much detail, oops too late....I live in Chelmsford and have done so for quite some time, I have many many interests of which motor sports (big suprise there), all things natural (no rude comments just yet please), fishing and kite flying (random i know), and all things BDSM too xx
I am an easy going person who trusts until that trust is broken and I yearn for someone whom I bond with and can share all of me.We are all only people at different stages of our lives and to that end, flexability to grow together is and important thing I feel, I'm open and honest about myself and thats all I ask in return.On sex, its a big thing for me, you dont need to be wonder woman as im not superman, sowi, I am however as some might put it da da da da daaa I'm lovin it lol.I love the intimacy between two ppl in love or lust and every one is different again in their own unique way, I love nothing more than the kissing, hugging, touching & teasing and incorperate that with bdsm play too and im in heaven baby. I identify as a submissive straight male with a huge apetite for fetish's. This does not make me a freak just someone whom enjoys the power exchange and believes a woman should be cared for.There is much more to learn about me and if you are interested in learning more of me then drop me a line xx

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