tpabambam 52歲, 男, 住在Texas


Texas, Dallas
5 ft 4 in / 163-165 cm


Looking for a lifetime playmate, are YOU the one???
Divorced for 20 years, now ready to meet my final first date. I work as a sales and marketing consultant. I thoroughly love my work. I keep a fairly busy work schedule. Recently got into scuba diving. Although I am OK in a large group setting, I much prefer the intimacy of several couples at home. I am a nonsmoker and a social drinker. I am most "at home" when I am either in, under, or around the water. Love the beaches and hope to retire and live on one someday. I also love to cook.UPDATE: Due to inconsistencies with this site (ie: dual cities on profiles that are several states from each other) and my untold number of emails to the webmaster, I am going to remain a standard member. If you are a member beyond that, please understand that I cannot reply via this system. Being a member of other adult oriented sites allows me to reply back to anyone who contacts me.
Open minded mature female who dislikes clothing as much as I do. I am looking for someone who closely matches my description (but not completely). Someone who is comfortable with herself. This person must possess the ability to hold an intelligent conversation (this is a definite deal breaker). A person who is as much into their work as I am. A person who likes to work and play hard. Maybe someone either that currently scuba dives or wants to learn. A person who places a higher emphasis on ones inner self (theirs and others). Definitely has to have a sense of humor. A person who knows the definition of the word TACT!!! Prefer someone who is comfortable with them self and knows they can't (and won't) change others to the way they want them. Someone who can plan an event or can cook one up spontaneously. A good conversationalist. MUST be a good kisser (another deal breaker). A person who sees the glass half full a true optimist!!!

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