jetmech_g 44歲, 男, 住在Florida


Florida, Largo
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm


Just a Horny Guy
its hard to describe one's self when in a constant state of improvement to get the most milage from life. i have hobbies like most men. i love women alot but i'm not a womanizer like some out there. this is a real profile not a fake, i'm as real as real gets. you'll only get honesty from me , besides i actually want to meet you one day. i'm not one for exchanging exhaustive emails or chatting extensively online. either you like me and want to meet or you dont. its that simple. in any event it must be discrete !!! i can be such a canislupisluvis at a certain bar such as one would go to like fu bar. i am still not certain about paying for membership here since i really have not met anyone here that seems to be a genuine horny match looking to meet.but if you really wana talk to me then my nic is the same on you know who
to describe what i'm looking for in a woman is not as simple as i'd like it to be, so i'll make this as short as possible. i like all kinds of women from all walks of life. an intellectual woman will go along way with me but if you have a high sex drive that never seems to be satisfied then you will go alot farther with me. i know at this point in my life that women who are overweight really do not turn me on at all, by definition i mean 30 lbs. or more for their height. for example a lady weighing 180 lbs. when she is 5' to 5'5" is realistically overweight. if you have a sexual fantasy and like to give it a shot then look no further i have a few as well. just remember to think outside of the box with my nic, you can find and chat with me pretty easy

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