massageguy4u69 42歲, 男, 住在Missouri


Missouri, Saint Charles
6 ft 2 in / 189-190 cm


Have massage table will travel!
Looking for the ultimate friend with perks? :) How about a masseur who has been practicing massage for roughly 15 years? :) Nice, healthy, DD free, smart working professional with muscular and athletic build who is working on his 2009 New Years resolution: find someone special or some friends with perks. :) Very good masseur! Great hands! I love to kiss, lick, and go wild eating shaved pussy (just let me come up for air every few hours)! :) Ultimately I want to find the love of my life, however I am open to a nostrings friend with benefits (I have a portable massage table and warm herbal massage oil). If you are ready to be pampered all day or all night with a sensual massage that covers every inch of your body, drop me a line. I am originally from the west coast, but was moved out to the midwest for a job by a company a few years back. When I was in HS and college, most of my best friends were girls. In HS I did my tour of duty with Taco Hell. All my best friends there were girls and every weekend we would be out until until the crack of dawn laughing our asses off getting crazy. I miss those times and all those friends dearly. We laughed together. We cried together (from laughing our asses off). We hugged. We kissed. We would do anything for each other. I was the guy they went to when they needed someone to talk to (or a massage). So I guess I am saying that I would like to have some great girlfriends too! If you are funny and have a great personality, drop me a line!
Under 35, nice, sweet, happy, caucasian, healthy, fit girl with sense of humor who is passionate, horny as hell :) , sensual, and drug / DISEASE FREE, drop me a line! If you are the right person, this might lead to more than sex, as I am ultimately looking for a life long companian. But am definitely open for nostrings friends if you are the right person and STD free. Someone who is HOT, a little wild, uninhibited, and likes to orgasm all day or all night long is a plus! :) A nice girl with shaved pussy who lov

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