vinny45x 70歲, 男, 住在California


California, Sonora
5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm


Lifes a Carousel---Letz Dance
I’m a Semiretireddesignerbuilderchefrestaurateur. Talented, energetic, loving, humorous, loves to dance, a romantic at heart, enjoys cooking, and is a terrific handyman around the house.. I’m involved in the restaurant world and I am developing my next new project as I write this. I am looking for someone ( Female ) to laugh and sing with. Someone special to share our life and dreams with. Someone to fall hopelessly in love with. Someone to play in the mud with (only so we can jump in the shower together), Someone to grow old with and enjoy a healthy loving long term love affair with. Do you still believe in “Happily Ever After” ?? I do. Do you have the integrity and a desire to go the distance. Do you still enjoy the kid within ? I’m a parttime goofball with a fulltime offbeat/upbeat attitude. Hope you’re the same. If the chemistry is in sync the world is our oyster. Age is just a number. A true test of age is in a persons heart. A lady with a zest for challenge. A lady with style, class and a sharp wit. A little sarcastic bantering goes a long way. A special person to start a new beginning with. A lady of substance (heart) who would be willing to spend time with a well seasoned soul who carries a kind heart and shares well with others.
I am a man with a giant heart. And the heart is such a precious entity. It’s an asset that rarely shows up on any business financial sheet but is a solid deal maker in the relationship arena. The heart is like a rainbow; follow it and you will reach your pot of gold. Follow your heart and your dreams will come true. Your following your heart by your presence here. You’re here with your heart in hand hopping to connect with someone special not necessarily to take you away, but to jump on the swing with you and play together. We are all here for that same reason. Hearts in hand and hopping to connect with that one special person. I’m here for the same reason every one else is. To connect with our soulmates. I’m here because I’ve lost somet

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