fireclown68 46歲, 男, 住在South Africa


5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Smarter, heavier and funnier than average man who loves to DATY
One of the things I pride myself on above almost all else is how well I know myself. I spend a great deal of time analyzing myself, my thoughts, my actions, my life. I have been accused of being too cerebral by some, too flippant by others, which just goes to show how differently people can react to someone. I am proud of almost everything about myself except for my current physical condition, as I am way too heavy. I lived in America for the last 12 years and American living was a little too good to me :) Anyway since I think I know myself well, I will just use a list of adjectives since trying to describe something as complex as a personality in 1500 characters or less is a bit dumb.Smart, passionate, funny, kind, trusting, trustworthy, discrete, honest, confidant, shy (yes, you can be both confidant and shy), philosophical, sensual, discerning, happy, thoughtful, romantic, horny, patient, erudite, huggable, relaxed, musical, monogamous, uninhibited, critical, attentive, clean.
That depends entirely on the type of partner. I don't really do the casual sex thing, despite being on this site. However, I am adult enough to know that I like to have fun, but I always want a little something extra from a lover. I'm not expecting a soulmate but I do like to at least like and respect my lovers.In a romantic relationship what I value above almost all else is intelligence and integrity. I expect my partner to know who she is, what she has to offer, and what she wants from me. I refuse to be someone's personality growth experiment. I obviously want to be physically attracted to my partner and want her to be attracted to me, but I am sensible enough to know that sex is not what holds a relationship together, it is just the spice that makes the other work worthwhile. I believe if you take the time to really get to know someone, you reach a point where you don't even really see their bodies, you see the person behind the body.If I was to engage in a more casual r

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