neutrinoboy 39歲, 男, 住在Wexford


Wexford, Wexford
5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm


So let the fun begin!!! :o)
Hi there. First things first. I have a memory like a sieve when it comes to the various details and diversities of people who I have only contacted in this way, so if it is a case I have to take a refresher peek at your profile every now and again please do not think it as any particular act of scary is merely down to some forgetfulness on my part. ;o) I am not going to fret too much on giving a description of myself on here, most people would describe themselves as they want to be seen rather than how they are probably more accurately perceived by others, so getting to know each other by chatting will paint a much fuller picture :o). I would describe myself as independant, quirky, energetic, outgoing and positive, I always have something going on inside my head and I have an avid fascination for life and the world around me in all its shapes and forms. I am happy and confident in myself, driven and ambitious and above all else I have a great time meeting new people. If I like someone I’m not afraid to invest my time..and that leads to me being a loyal friend. In general, I love to read, write, (both prose, poetry...little thoughts and musings...whatever happens to be my current mood) anything creative which gets the noggin whirring, have fun with my nearest and dearest friends and family and have so many different and varied interests that I would need much more space and much more time to list them all. All stuff which can be explored later if you like. :o)
I think it’s a little demeaning to be pigeonholing exactly who I would like to chat to or who would be my perfect partner. It’s the variety of life and its complexity which has always held the most avid fascination for me. If pushed I would say a smidgeon of intelligence, creativity and someone who is their own person too, and has some fascination in the world around them would be ideal. But we all have qualities which should be respected, expressed and admired and allowed to flourish, so just be your very good self

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