desperado703 44歲, 男, 住在Wyoming


Wyoming, Lander


hot hot hot
Hot ~n~ Nasty ...need more?We're an open minded man and woman/woman threesome, who can be loosely defined as a couple, i guess. Cool with everything: it's all goodBut there are “things” in our life, things we call love and pain, joy and sorrow. For me there are no other possessions, no other belongings in this world. These are things we claim from the fires of our lives, the urgent passions, the miracles, the transformations, that is if you can reach your hands into the flamesThey are also the things we might lose in the waters beneath our feet, the dangers, the dire emergencies, the devastations. The black floods that swallow us in the night, take our most beloved and our children and cause us to lose our faith. Some things we can see and keep in the future, some are left behind and disappear in the past. There are some things I purposely let burn in the fire or else they’re accidentally thrown out with the trash. Precious things I will lose and not find again. Things I never had a chance to have or be or do or say in the first place, other things I will never, never forget.Oh the loss—There are no words terrible enough. This is when I must live in the people’s cold filthy cinders and eat the ashes of all we let burn, have lost or destroyed until I have no voice left, no breath that doesn’t stab my lungs. The unspeakable loss and the pain it carries permanently affixes itself to the heart of our worlds, its stains show on our faces and gets in behind our eyes.
And us men, we cannot look long in a woman’s eyes anymore, even when you make love to us. We must look away. We fear you will become frightened and runaway from us when you see how we became frightened and ran away ourselves at the mere sight of how deep and severe life's pain and sorrow can run, let alone death's.I am no longer one of those kinds of men. I am a man made for the love, a man who loves women. The same as you are a woman who loves men, a woman made for the love and so we are two who are made for the pain of love also, There are m

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