semsousman 47歲, 男, 住在Virginia


Virginia, Virginia Beach
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


I'm a sensous lover looking for descreet sexual pleasure both given and receiving..Animal's Fuck,Lovemaking is the art of pleasuring
Black hair, Bedroom Blue Eyes. 5'10 about 219lbs. I am a big Strong Athletic Sensous Man. I play a lot of tennis, can outrun, out dance and out sex most half my age. I am a succesful business man & part time entertainer, to well known here to post a picture but decided I would take the chance. I paid for three months one more time. So far the same fakes and spammers seem to embodie this site just like last time and the other sites. If you are attached or Married and just needing a little or a lot of extra quality sexual pleasure and you are, Willing to, Enjoy and know how to return that pleasure ...Give me a shot...Clean singles are OK too as long as you can deal with No Strings Attached Descreet relationships. I am a Sensous, Passionate Lover that enjoys the art of foreplay and knows how to go down, Kiss, Lick & Suck you into a multitude of awesome orgasms...If you have given me the same type or Oral Foreplay...Then one more orgasm with a hard Bulging Cock slamming into you until me both scream in orgasmic release and collapse in exhaustion in each others arms...Contented and fullfilled... If I interest you then please get in touch soon as I will no longer have the privilege of contacting you when this membership ends. So Ladies you'll have to get in touch with me somehow. I promise U The orgasms I will supply will be worth the effort...semsousman OOyah
I like all types of women..I prefer sensous women who understand the art of lovemaking..One who enjoys giving as much pleasure as she receives..I enjoy intelligent women of all sizes..I prefer slim to average but a little extra padding is fine too...As long as you are not sloppy fat and have a nice personality we can enjoy each others talents...Buzz words...Clean,dd Free, Descreet, sensous, dance, fun, Oral, lots of Oral

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