ITALIAN_GUY_25 31歲, 男, 住在South Australia


South Australia, Adelaide
6 ft 1 in / 186-188 cm


Are you up for a serious/long term relationship?
Hello there, my name is Luca; I am Italian, 25 years of age, live in South Australia, Adelaide. I am 6'1 or 186cms, bluey/grey eyes, short dark brown hair, average body, and tanned olive skin, anything else, ask. I am self employed, Entrepreneur (I buy and sell stocks, shares and property investments). I have my full licence, 47/60 hours of flying a plane, I have finished year 12 and did 2 extra years in University and got a degree in Information Technology and a degree in Drama Technology. I live by myself in my own house that I bought. I am currently single and looking for a female that is up for a serious/long term relationship, someone that will keep me happy, comfortable and company throughout my life. And down the track if things go well with each other, have a couple of kids and raise a family. And when the kids are old enough, travel the world and live happy ever after. As I said above in my introduction title, I am different to other guys. What I mean by that is, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take drugs, I rarely swear, I don't do anything to hazard my health or body. Also, I don't like clubbing, I don't like partying, I don't like strip joints, I don't like adult entertainment areas, I don't like night clubs, I don't like casinos, or anything else in those areas above. If you have any questions be it personal or non personal, don't be shy to ask me, because the more you know about me, the better it will be between us and getting to know each other better.
Basically someone that can look after herself and doesn't need my hand to guide her to do anything or achieve her goals in life. When looking for a female, I don't care about the looks; personality is what I look for. Personality 90% and looks 10%. In a relationship, I don't care if there is no sex, all I want is the female to love me for me and not for what I have or got. But I hope it does happen sometime, it's a needed thing in life and for a relationship to work out. Also in a relationship,

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