brickhouse67 46歲, 女, 住在Mississippi


Mississippi, Hattiesburg
5 ft 4 in / 163-165 cm


Will put a smile on your face!
Soft butch looking for bbw or any white femme or soft femme.Good looks, great physic, hearty stamina, I'll do you all day long, or we can go sailing, camping, or staying aboard I am very much an aggressor, but not into ruff stuff or bondage.I can dress the part of pretty woman, but prefer my lady to do that, I open doors, and hold unbrellas and rub her feet. I love to have a good time, I often travel around the state,staying at the state parks,rent a cabin,and stay a week or so.I love to sail and be on the water,and I often go out to the barrier islands,would love to cruise on down to key west or beyond,{retirement plans},:) I have always been very sexually oriented and look at it as fun,fun,fun!How else are we supposed to look at it?Some ppl take it WAY WAY too seriously,but then again,I may just fall in love with you!I go where I desire to go,noplace is impossible to get to,and I do what I want,I take of myself and blow where the wind blows me.I own my own home and am very established there,among my Biblethunping family,so I do need to be discreet.I will see you in their presence but PDA is out of the question,hince,the travel...
I love soft, glamorous women, a little extra padding is what I like. She has to have high selfesteem and the ability to make my mouth water.She need not be experienced,NO YOUNG CHICKS THO,as I will take the lead. Travel is a must, meeting at a clandestine,outoftheway Inn or B&B is very romantic.I like dresses,on her,and hair and nails, stockings turn me on all kind of ways.I love romance or just licking her pussy, loving on her tits,kissing her neck, all by candlelight....and, darling, if you have a belly,I will be very satisfied! Skinny girls, no offence, but I really need a woman who is attractive to me and that is a plump woman, with curves and a softness that you could never produce. I will not hurt you,I only want to make you feel good and by doing that, I will be satisfied.

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