Blueeyes_72 37歲, 男, 住在British Columbia


British Columbia, New Westminster
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


I like my sugar with coffee and cream
I have a positive outlook on life and enjoy spending time with people who are the same. LIfe's too short, I don't have time to waste on tension or anger. I really enjoy meeting new people and want to make the time I spend with someone fun. I am pretty open minded and especially enjoy being exposed to other people's interests, being exposed to new music or movies I might not otherwise hear about. I am a career person, very well established in my field. I have a thing for nice cars (I own 2) and also own my own home. Outside of my career, my personal interests include art and enjoying diverse cultures. I really like to travel and although I don't have a lot of time away from work to do so, I do take a vacation every year and can also afford to do spontaneous trips from time to time if my schedule allows it. If there's anything else you might want to know, just send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you!
I have a positive outlook on life and enjoy spending time with people who are the same. LIfe's too short, I don't have time to waste on tension or anger. I really enjoy meeting new people and want to make the time I spend with someone fun. I am pretty open minded and especially enjoy being exposed to other people's interests, being exposed to new music or movies I might not otherwise hear about. I am a career person, very well established in my field. I have a thing for nice cars (I own 2) and also own my own home. Outside of my career, my personal interests include art and enjoying diverse cultures. I really like to travel and although I don't have a lot of time away from work to do so, I do take a vacation every year and can also afford to do spontaneous trips from time to time if my schedule allows it. If there's anything else you might want to know, just send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you!

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