DanMI 67歲, 男, 住在Michigan


Michigan, Taylor
5 ft 10 in / 179-180 cm


Straight Male Seeks MTF TS, TV, CD, IS; (Pre-Op or No-Op)
DDF male; college educated self employed professional. I love most things related to technology. My long term professional background is computer technology. I am a movie buff; old movies and new movies. My tastes, essentially, run the gamut; ranging from war, action, history, drama, inspirational, current events, biographies, comedies to xrated.I like current events, chess, horses, boating, tennis, football, baseball, basketball, TG bars and TG women; noop, preop, etc. and spending time with friends.I am generally a Top (a straightsex guy, if you will) but I go both ways.I’ve been bodybuilding for more than 10 years. At 5' 10", my body weight oscillates between 170 175 lbs and I pump iron (workout) every other day; schedule permitting. I managed to get a little overweight and recently lost weight to flatten the abs.I’m in good physical shape, trim, athletic with salt and pepper hair, I retain my youthful vigor for new technologies, new experiences, new acquaintances and new friends. I’m will always remain very afraid of STD, which makes me very cautious about sexual partners and leads me to selective caution; which is irrespective of a prospective partner's excitingly hot body, physical beauty and glovelike fit to all other characteristics mentioned in this profile or otherwise excite me intellectually, sexually and emotionally.I believe in friends, fun, love and sex!
Seeking one TS, TV, CD woman or IS for friendship and discrete dating. I prefer a woman who likes to remain dressed fem 24/7 or as long as possible without encumbering the functional aspects of her daily life. Stated in other terms, I seek a woman firmly committed to her feminine persona, all of which is more important than age, race and contemporary notions of physical beauty. Isn’t our beauty in the personality? Isn’t it difficult to have a relationship with physical beauty; but far easier and longer lasting with a person? Don’t you think?My goal is a friend and lover and as many other

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